Saturday, January 12, 2019

"Hair is a beautiful form of self-expression." *

Back in August, I shaved my head bald as part of a fundraiser for a coworker whose daughter has leukemia. Three male coworkers also shaved their heads, though not all the way bald. We raised a total of $10,000 for the cause. Because the little girl, Emma, couldn't grow her hair back right away, I kept shaving my head for the next two months. The last day I shaved was Halloween, and I went to work dressed as Mr. Clean.

Since November 1, my hair has grown out a little more than an inch. Everywhere I go, I get compliments on the sticky-up, natural color head of hair that I have. It's mostly dark brown with a whole lot of silver highlights (God's graffiti?). 

Today, even my psychiatrist commented on it, telling me that this hairstyle really suits me and she suggested -- as I have already been thinking -- that I should keep it this way.

So that's what I've decided to do. Keep it super short. i went to Great Clips today to get trimmed around my ears and the back of my neck. I used styling putty for the first time today to make it super spiky. 

Never in my life did I think I would have hair this short (much less be completely bald for two months), but I like the freedom it offers. Getting ready for work is a breeze, and speaking of breezes, I can drive with my windows down because my hair doesn't get in my face. I like how the grays are coming in across the top of my head and at my temples - it makes things kind of sparkly. 

For freedom and self-expression ("Hey, I can defy cultural norms," "Hey, I'm a free spirit!"), you can't beat short, short hair.

* Carolyn Aronson

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